Saturday, July 21, 2007

Twin Peaks(ツインピークス)

Friday the weather was so nice and I decided to visit Twin Peaks after work before checking out a movie. We also conducted junk food night (this time burgers and spicy chiken wings) to remind us how lucky we are for having Annie's great food all the time. Actually, the burgers and wings turned out pretty good and the movie, the Transformer, was awesome.

This is SF downtown view from Twin Peaks. Looking east. You can see Berkeley across the bay!

This is looking at north. The twin tower is USF and we live nearby.


Annie, Weijen and Keita. It was really windy. The boys are in Atsu's training camp being trained from cleaning to career planning to furniture making.

アニーとウェイレンと圭太君。風が強かった。 この2人の青年は、アツ・トレーニングキャンプで掃除からキャリアプラニング、日曜大工まで日々しごかれている。

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Table Worked!(テーブルお披露目)

I completed the last finishing touch (vernish and sand)! This is the extended version.  As we expected, David's family visited us for dinner and we could comfortably accomodate 6 people. King Josh tried to touch before being dry and I gave him a Karate chop.
最後の仕上げ完了(ニス塗りとやすりがけ)。これがエクステンションを使った図。予想通りデービッドの家族が夕食に来て、ゆったり6人座れて満足。 キング・ジョッシュが乾く前に触ろうとしたので、空手チョップお見舞いして阻止。

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Work Environment (仕事環境)

I like my work and poeple I work with. I learn everyday. My work is to manage mobile online game platform at game division in mobile device company. On top of individual work as BD (contract/negotiation), I manage several teams including R&D, support, services, game producing and others.
仕事はおもしろく、一緒に働いている人達もいい人。勉強になる日々。 ちなみに仕事は、携帯電話会社のゲーム部門で、モバイルオンラインゲームのプラットフォームを統括している。BD(契約・交渉)という個人業務に加え、R&D、サポート、サービス、ゲーム開発部門のマネジメントが主な仕事。


This is my work area. Enough room to put my and team's surf boards. Once in a while, poeple here in this office go surfing together before/after work or during lunch time.

This is actually "Team Room" ... sharing with my boss. However, somebody put this name plate.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

King Josh(キング・ジョッシュ)

Annie and I call David's son, "King Josh" because he is treated as King and acts like a King. However, the moment he steps in our apartment, he loses his King's status and is treated as just one of guests. He is scared of our house boss, "Atsu".

By the way, he likes cars...

He really does...


Table/Chair Reform (テーブル/椅子改造)

This weekend, I decided to do another house project! Cover old kitchen chair and table with clean wood-surface. Also added extention to table to accomodate typical dinner including guest members (7 including David's family).

Scraping and triming the lumber to cover the chair.


Keita-kun is helping me to scrape the table surface. 



This is after scraping the surface of the table but beofre covering with wood and adding the extention.



This is the completion. I tell you this looks much better than original! Annie was pretty happy as well ;-). You will notice fine pine tree fragrance!


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Emigrant 3(エミグラント3)

They are the man! who survived 3 day high mountain camping...(plus me as a cameraman)


Emigrant 2(エミグラント2)

The area just below 9,000 feet. The green is beatiful.


Emigrant 1(エミグラント1)

To Emigrant Wilderness with colleagues. The lake is located at 10,000 feet.

Sunset @ OB(オーシャンビーチサンセット)

Keita-kun, who is staying with us. He goes to volunteer as well as Jiujitsu class alone. His English should be rather good by now!?

Independence Day(独立記念日)

Independence Day! It is so nice and I decided to go surfing at Lindamar. The board I got from Kimito who just moved to NY is groovy!

Custom Table 2(カスタムテーブル2)

Here is the side angle!

Custom Table 1(カスタムテーブル1)

Since Annie is struggling with small cooking area, I decided make custom cooking table and shelf for her. Look at this curve! Costed more than expected but I am happy with outcome ;-)
